Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Did You Know?

Did You Know
Animal Cases According to the media
64 percent of animal abuse cases involve dogs.
18 percent of animal abuse cases involve cats.
25 percent involve other animals.
Pitt bulls cases the most cases that involves a canine.
According to the American Horse Council, Americans own more than 9 million horses, up from more than 6 million in the mid-1990s. Back yard breeding fueled the boom in demand for pet horses. More than 2 million Americans own horses, and more than one-third of those owners have a household income of less than $50,000
In 2007, there were 20 reported neglect cases involving cows and eight involving pigs, down from 33 cow neglect cases and 11 pig neglect cases in 2006, and 26 cow neglect cases and nine pig neglect cases in 2005.
The HSUS estimates that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence.
94 percent of intentional animal cruelty incidents were committed by males.
31 percent of the animal cruelty incidents were committed by perpetrators age 18 and younger. (Four percent of those were under age 12).
21 percent of intentional animal cruelty cases also involved family violence.
Of all the animals abused in these cases, 76 percent of the cases involved companion animals, 12 percent farm animals, 7 percent wildlife, and 5 percent involved multiple types of animals. In 63 percent of all cases, animals were killed as a result of violence or euthanized due to extensive injuries.

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